Delivery & Charges


Standard delivery is usually 3-5 days

Delivery is FREE OF CHARGE on orders £175.00 and over on your chosen day (Monday-Friday)
Between 8am-5pm. (Excluding Bank Holidays)

Delivery Fee of £29.95 applies to orders £174.99 and under on your chosen day (Monday to Friday)
Between 8am-5pm. (Excluding Bank Holidays)

Delivery is FREE OF CHARGE in the CF62 postcode area
Between 8am-5pm. (Excluding Bank Holidays)

Please note that the delivery service is a door stop delivery due to insurance purposes and Health & safety guidelines.

Arrangements should be made for extra persons to be at the property to carry in goods.

When placing an order to be delivered it is assumed that the property is accessible by van or lorry.

If a delivery cannot be made due to not being home or inadequate persons on the scheduled delivery date, then goods will be returned to stores and another delivery will be arranged with a charge of £29.95 whatever the cost of goods.